Graduate Collection Concept

The aim of this project is to create a collection of textiles which informs people about bees and flora that are joined through pollination. With this in mind I hope to make people more aware of how important bees are, along with flora for our future environmental sustainability. The designs created will be informed by research I have conducted into the two subject matters to increase public awareness. Not only will the designs inform people about flora and bees but the tags included will do this too.

The textile collection Buzzing for Life has a personal connection. The inspiration behind this project came from a family connection to honey bees. With my brother currently keeping bees I have been able to visit them and draw from first hand research. I have always had an interest in flora due to attending wildlife groups and a collective family love of the outdoors and the environment. 


Bees are very important in the process of pollination with certain plants requiring them to survive and reproduce. This interaction is symbiotic and creates a mutual relationship where both parties benefit and can’t survive without the other, making them both so important. Pollinators are in decline and without care our food supply could be affected. People’s knowledge and identification of flora is significantly low, in one survey only 6% could identify a wild violet with 70% wanting to learn more, showing an underlying interest.  

“ 20%drop in the UK’s floral diversity since 1990. ”



This collection is aimed towards interiors within the home, in particular kitchen based textiles. With this in mind I want to create open discussions around bees and flora within a relaxed environment. In our current climate more people are staying at home making an increase within this market. When we begin to get back to normal socialising at home, a meal will become an event to celebrate making exciting table ware a must have. 

“Crops dependent on pollinators has increased by 300% over 50 years.”

— Guardian


There are 4 groups within the collection displaying a range of drawing techniques such as collage, watercolour and line art. Each group has a different colour scheme to work as a stand alone collection. The groups will work together due to the consistent concept of bees and the environment clearly shown throughout  the designs. Each group will include a table cloth, runner, placemats, coasters and tea towels. In addition each collection will also have supporting products which are found within the kitchen.